Healing Historical Trauma

Hawaii like many other indigenous Nations, were colonized by the United States. U.S. colonization tries to destroy the Hawaiian culture and its people. Colonization is not the only problem that destroys cultures and peoples. Genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced annexation, mass deportation. enslavement, conquest and imperialism are other forms of cultural annihilation.

" Historical examples include the Holocaust, the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII, the "killing fields" of Pol Pot in Cambodia, ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Rwanda; Sudan's extermination of non-Arabs in Dafur. the enslavement of African Americans: the politically motivated Indonesian massacres; and the deliberate displacement. disenfranchisement; and /or genocide of the centuries of millions of indigenous and aboriginal peoples of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia, as well as, Hawaii."

We can transform and heal historical trauma collectively. As individuals we need to stay present to be part of the collective transformation. In order to stay present or relationship with land, spirit, and our ancestors are essential. Crystals, fossils and shells are found in Mother Earth and hold special properties.

As far back as the Stone Age the power of crystals have been known. Crystals can heal ancestral karma, corrects and heals DNA, recalls akashic records, and link us to our ancestors and sacred sites. "You know the world is a magical place when Mother Earth grows her own jewelry."*

This bracelet is a small and precious gift from nature and the land and from me to you. Each bracelet is uniquely placed and no two pieces are the same. Make sure you wear your bracelet with good intentions and on your dominant hand for giving or sharing and non-dominant hand for receiving. If you would like to meditate with your bracelet place it behind your past life chakra with is located behind your ear. (After if you need to be grounded hold Smokey Quartz or Boji Stone.) Cleanse your bracelet with water or sea salt and recharge your bracelet in the sun and/or moon light. I have blessed your bracelet and set healing intentions with Reiki energy.

  • Angel Aura Quartz found globally. Facilitates remembering soul lessons from past incarnations and attuning to present-life soul purpose.

  • Bloodstone found in Australia, Brazil, China, India, USA and on the isle of Rum in Scotland. Heals ancestral line grounding heart energy, reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience.

  • Charoite found in Russia. Revealing one's path of service, purging on inner negativity, assists in protection and healing. Helps in walking your destiny and links you to your karma.

  • Coral Fossil found globally. Karma clearer, highlights lessons learned.
    Pinpoints unrecognized soul gifts and survival skills, and soul contracts pacts and promises that will be left behind. Soul no longer bound by karma and can move on- "Karma of Grace"

  • Dumortierite found in Namibia, USA, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Canada, France, Poland, and Peru. This stone brings you back to the beginning of your soul's journey and breaks ties that are no longer useful. Cellular memory healing

  • Herkimer Diamond found in USA. Clears all chakras, attunement, increases psychic abilities. Helps correct DNA.

  • K2 found in Pakistan. Recalls akashic records and facilitates soul retrieval and past life readings. Heals personal and collective conflict.

  • Kambaba Jasper found in Madagascar. Holds ancient and profoundly wise earth energy. It links back to the ancestors and brings stability and purpose to the present moment. Cellular healing

  • Lepidolite found in Brazil, Ural Mountains, Russia, USA, Canada, Madagascar, Sweden, and Portugal. Assists in emotional healing, balance, purification and relaxation. This stress reliever also accesses akashic records and is a transition stone.

  • Malachite found in Urals, Russia, Congo, Gabon, Zambia, Mexico, Australia, France, Israel, and USA. Enlightened leadership, confidence, creativity, and protects and heals the heart. Releasing past life and childhood trauma, heals DNA cellular structure.

  • Mohagany Obsidian found in Mexico. Removes energy blocks reclaiming personal pover. Assists in addressing patterns of ancestral trauma.

  • Morganite found in Brazil, Madagascar, Afghanistan, China, Mozambique, Namibia, Russia, Zimbabwe, and USA, Divine love and compassion. Releases karmic emotional pain and suffering. Dissolving resistance to healing and transformation.

  • Ocean Jasper found in Madagascar. The pattern symbolizes the interconnectedness of all and supporting service to humankind. Positive and healthy journey to accept change and encourages personal responsibilty.

  • Petrified Wood found globally. Ancestral healing and past life recall.
    Holds ancient wisdom and long service to the planet. Helps with inner peace and patience.

  • Picture Jasper found in Brazil. Assists on inner journeying to sacred sites and ancient civilizations and connecting to earths consciousness.
    Contains message from past Repression released and lessons learned.

  • Pietersite found in Namibia. Said to hood the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Removes conditioning imposed by others. Releases you from vows and promises make in former lives that have carried over into the present.
    Processes ancient conflict and suppressed feelings and removes disease caused by not following ones own truth,

  • Rhodonite found in Australia, USA, Sweden, and Russia. Past life healing deals with betrayal and abandonment, clearing away emotional wounds and scars from past. Altruism and develops hidden talents.

  • Rutilated Quartz found globally. Past life healing it draws out disease and promotes insights into events in the past lives effecting the present. Connects soul lessons and plans for present life. Amplification, quickening and grounding manifestations.

  • Rhyolite found globally. Karmic wisdom processes the past and integrates it into the present

  • Shaman Quartz found in Brazil. Karmic clearing of past life attachments and traumatic events.

  • Shiva Shell found in India. Assists in the "Flow of life"

  • Super 7 (Melody Stone) found in USA. High vibrational stone, spiritual powerhouse. Manifests evolution of the earth and the body's natural healing system. Corrects DNA. (Amethyst, smokey quartz, quartz, rutile, geothite, lepidocrocite, and cacoxenite)

  • Unakite found in USA, South Africe, and Switzerland. A stone of vision, and helpful in past life healing. Reaches root cause of emotional disease at whatever level it occurs bringing it tho the surface for